Ben and I first met as freshmen coming to Lee as a part of the Kairos Scholars Honors program. Back then, there was no way we would have even thought about dating...EVER. I thought he was totally weird, in his black plastic glasses, strange hats, and wrist bands. To be fair, he thought I was a militant feminist in the the worst way. Two years later, once we'd gotten through our horrible freshmen phases, I got a crazy idea. Out of what seemed like nowhere, I wanted to be friends with Ben Hurst. We had so many mutual friends, most of whom were curious why he and I never talked. "You're both so literary," they said. Then, one day, I was walking out of the Admin Building at Lee right as he was walking in. We spotted each other across the lawn and met in the middle. Luckily, Ben didn't have any pressing business where he was headed, because he never made it. He and I stood there talking for several minutes before moving to a table on the ped mall. We talked for over an hour, as easily as if it were our thousandth conversation instead of our first. For the next several days, we never wanted to stop talking. No matter how much we said to each other, we could never finish our conversation. At night, when visiting hours were over in the dorms (lame), we would climb to the top of the steps in the PCSU and stay for hours. Once we even got locked in. We got caught up in discussing "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" and Christianity, and we kept finding out that we were on the same page, more so than either of us had ever been with anyone else. Soon after our conversation started, Thanksgiving break hit, and then, like twitterpated teenagers, we spent hours together over the phone. As of now, the conversation has been going on for over two years, and neither one of us have come close to running out of things to say to the other.