As Ben and I sit in our friend's living room watching the news of Hurricane Irene, we are realizing how many pissed off people we are going to have to deal with at the airport. Luckily we are flying west to Tokyo, so we don't have to really worry about the weather, unlike the people with tickets for the 6,000 cancelled flights out of Atlanta.
I really can't believe we will be leaving the US for so long. I've been making sure that, these last few days, I've eaten as many of the foods that we won't have in China as possible. Oh pizza, I shall yearn for thee. The last installment will be a Starbucks chai tea latte before we get on the plane.
Hopefully we can let you know when we get to Tokyo, and I'm hoping to find that they really do serve lobster in the Japan McDonalds....
Tell me if there was Lobster! I'm really curious!