
Monday, October 3, 2011

Pizza in China!

Hey y'all.  I'm sick (Mal).  Well, now that I've said that, I can talk about making pizzas last night!  A few weeks ago, Ben and I went to Zhengzhou with Adam and the other Ben to get ingredients to make pizzas, and last night we finally made them.  We took McCormick's pizza sauce and mozzarella cheese and put them on top of these delicious pieces of bread called "xia bing" and baked them in a little oven.  They were absolutely delicious!  I don't really know what else to say about that...  It felt so nice to have something familiar, though.  The food here is delicious, but I really miss the food back home.  Making the pizzas made that seem no so far away. 

That's another reason why it's been so nice to have good internet here.  We were fighting with a dying computer and ridiculously slow internet, so we often felt isolated.  Granted, we are on the other side of the world from everything we've known and loved.  Now, we can get Facebook without any trouble, and we can access our favorite TV shows and movies too!  Don't ask how.  Ha... Ben is now sitting beside me eating oatmeal and drinking coffee.  Why can't I have my cereal?  :( 

Oh, and being sick makes me homesick, apparently.  If you can't already tell.  Short post.  Hopefully something really interesting will happen and we can put up something longer soon.  I guess I'll get back to playing Angry Birds (I'm getting really good at it) and reading all the free books we got for the Kindles (don't ask about that either...)

Love to the US!

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